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Monte del Fra



Monte del Fra is positioned in the heart of the village of Custoza in Italy's Northeast region, the Veneto. The current winery was founded in 1958. The land that it sits on was auctioned off by a decree from Napoleon Bonaparte in the early 19th Century out of the hands of the monks who it was previously owned by. The winery is now in the hands of the Bonomo family who own 140 hectares of land and rent others. 

In Custoza, the soil is comprised of deposits of rock and mineral once eroded and consolidated by large glaciers. These glaciers, over time, have left the soil rich with tufaceous, clay, and limestone which allow vines and their fruit to give complexity and unique minerality to the wines. Monte del Fra goes further in expressing its unmistakable qualities by using the pergola system of vine training. These vines trained by this system only produce 2-3 kg of grapes per plant which leads to more nutrients going to each cluster and higher quality for each wine. 

Monte del Fra's commitment to expression and quality control keep its wines fresh and interesting from bottle to bottle. Monte del Fra lives comfortably in its traditions but is always utilizing modern techniques to keep their vines growing and their products with high standards. 

Monte del Fra's Website


Azienda Agricola Monte del Frà s.s.
p. iva IT 01923560237
Strada Custoza, 35
Sommacampagna 37066 (VR) Italia
tel +39 045 510490 

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